Feedback from Workshops
Feedback from workshop participants who included Primary Languages Co-ordinators, PCGE Trainees, HEI, LA Advisors, LA lead teachers, National and Regional PL Trainers:
“David Hicks – absolutely brilliant. Inspirational and has bought languages to life with energy, music and use of visual prompts. Outstanding way of teaching!”.
“Inspirational speaker, motivating, interactive and good pace!”
“Great to see an expert in action whose methods are proven”
“This was one of the best training courses I have ever been on.”
“Great, I will use this material in my class.”
“Use of rhythm & movement to engage pupils”
“Excellent session using music, rhyme, rap – on how to inspire children with simple words and phrases”.
“Power of actions, being very active & visual, use of rhythm. associating English words with an action that works with French words, using percussion instruments, great ideas to take away.”
“The idea of immersing the children in the language and also making connections with VAK.”
“Putting actions to sounds/phrases. Linking sounds pupils know with French phrases etc...”
“Loved all the songs & enthusiasm”.
“Good ideas and ways to help children remember important words & phrases e.g., qui (key) etc…”
“Ways to introduce new words & phrases using rhythm & rhyme”
“Using rhythm & music to embed sound/pattern.”
“Practical, easy to pick up and run with. Excellent use of rhythm, rhyme, song etc…”
“Valuable ideas & it all feels possible”.
“Ideas & showing how to build structures easily. Having book & CD – Excellent resource that beginners can use.”
“Rhythm/music of David Hicks. I learnt lots of French too.”
So good to see ways to introduce language & progression through useful phrases etc…”
“Wonderful to think – rhythm, sound, actions! Let the language come alive!”
“I particularly valued watching the key phrases being developed – with all the kinaesthetic combinations. Will inspire teaching & music creativity.”